ARTAS 9x Innovations Introduced at Bernstein Medical
A major upgrade to the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System was introduced, in April 2017, at Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration, where Dr. Bernstein performed the first hair transplant using the ARTAS 9x.
The ARTAS 9x is a monumental upgrade to the physician-assisted robot that has revolutionized FUE hair transplants when pioneered by Dr. Bersnstein in 2011. The new hardware and software modifications greatly improves the speed, efficiency, and performance of the ARTAS Robot.
Dr. Bernstein and Dr. Wolfeld have been collaborating with Restoration Robotics on its continued development and Bernstein Medical has been utilized as a beta-test site for the ARTAS robot since 2011.
Updated: 2019-09-27 | Published: 2017-06-08