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Bernstein Medical Introduces the ARTAS 9x

Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration performed robotic hair transplant surgery using the new ARTAS Robotic System 9x, becoming the first hair transplantation practice to use the ARTAS 9x System. These new hardware and software updates allows for faster, more precise Robotic FUE procedures.


Robotic Follicular Unit Graft Selection

Author: Bernstein RM, Wolfeld MB (Dermatologic Surgery)
Importance: The original robotic system harvested follicular unit grafts randomly from the scalp.In this paper, Dr. Bernstein introduces robotic graft selection, a new capability of the ARTAS robot. In robotic graft selection, the robot is programmed to select follicular units for extraction based on the number of hairs they contain.The clinical benefit was statistically significant at p<.01. 2016

Robotic Recipient Site Creation in Hair Transplantation

Author: Bernstein RM, Wolfeld MB, Zingaretti G.(Hair Transplant Forum International)

Importance: The initial application of the ARTAS robot, released in 2011, performed the first step in the FUE procedure, the separation of follicular units from surrounding tissue. Due to its new hardware and software capabilities,a subsequent step, recipient site creation, can now be performed by the ARTAS robot.


ARTAS® Robotic System for FUE

Bernstein Medical – Center for Hair Restoration offers Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants using the ARTAS robotic system, designed by Restoration Robotics. Bernstein Medical is the first clinic on the east coast and the second worldwide to put this new robotic hair transplant technology into clinical use. The ARTAS system allows the precise separation of follicular units from the surrounding tissue. Its advantages include; the ability to minimize damage to follicles during extraction, reduced harvesting time, and increased graft survival compared to manual FUE procedures.


Densitometry and Video-Microscopy

Author: Bernstein RM, Rassman WR (Hair Transplant Forum International)

Importance: Densitometry and video-microscopy are techniques used to analyze the scalp under high power magnification providing information on hair density, degree of miniaturization and follicular unit composition. They are used to evaluate a patient’s candidacy for hairtransplantation and perdict future baldness. This paper describes the value of these techniques in hair transplant evaluation.

Graft Anchoring in Hair Transplantation

Author: Bernstein RM, Rassman WR (Dermatologic Surgery)

Importance: This study determines exactly how long it takes after a hair transplant procedure for the grafts to be securely anchored in the recipient area. This information is crucial in guiding the patient’s post-op care after a hair restoration. This study also shows that preventing the formation of crusts following a hair transplant shortens the time the patients are at risk of dislodging the grafts.

The SAFE System: New Instrumentation and Methodology to Improve Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Author: Harris (Hair Transplant Forum International)

Importance: This paper described an instrument that combined both sharp and blunt dissection when removing follicular units from the scalp, by altering the speed of the rotating punch. The SAFE System significantly decreased the transection (damage) to follicles inherent in the FUE procedure. It is a system endorsed by Dr. Bernstein. See the SAFE System page in the FUE section.


Follicular Unit Extraction: Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hair Transplantation

Author: Rassman, Bernstein (Dermatologic Surgery)

Importance: This paper introduced Follicular Unit Extraction into the medical literature giving the FUE procedure its name. The publication was instrumental in popularizing the FUE procedure in the United States. The paper also identified significant patient variability and describes a test to help determine which patients are appropriate candidates. See the publication Follicular Unit Extraction: Minimally Invasive Surgery for Hair Transplantation.


The Logic of Follicular Unit Transplantation

Author: Bernstein, Rassman (Dermatologic Clinics)

Importance: This is the first monograph on the rationale behind both the conceptual and technical aspects of Follicular Unit Transplantation. See The Logic of Follicular Unit Transplantation.


Dissecting Microscope Versus Magnifying Loupes with Transillumination in the Preparation of Follicular Unit Grafts

Author: Bernstein, Rassman (Dermatologic Surgery)

Importance: The first bilateral controlled study quantifying the advantage of the microscope in follicular unit graft dissection.


Standardizing the Classification and Description of Follicular Unit Transplantation and Mini-micrografting Techniques

Author: Bernstein, et al. (Dermatologic Surgery)

Importance: Bernstein leads a group of 21 hair transplant surgeons to establish a nomenclature and standards for describing small graft transplants. It specifically serves to differentiate the technique of follicular unit transplantation from mini-micro grafting cut to size. The name Follicular Transplantation is changed to the more descriptive Follicular Unit Transplantation. See Standardizing Hair Transplantation.


Which Is Best?

Author: Bernstein, Beehner, Arnold (ISHRS, Barcelona, Spain)

Importance: Bernstein debated the advantages of Follicular Unit Transplantation over Total Micrografting and Blend techniques in front of 450 hair transplant surgeons at the international meeting. This debate put FUT firmly on the map.


The Art of Follicular Transplantation

Author: Bernstein (ISHRS, Barcelona)

Importance: Quantified the clinical characteristics of follicular units and described the art of weighting and distribution of follicular unit implants for the best cosmetic results.


The Aesthetics of Follicular Transplantation

Author: Bernstein, Rassman (Dermatologic Surgery)

Importance: Aesthetic issues including hair distribution, hairline design, crown restoration, and racial variations. These pared articles have been referred to as the “Bibles” of Follicular Unit Transplantation.” They established the foundation for the art of using follicular units in surgical hair restoration. See the publication “The Aesthetics of Follicular Transplantation.


Follicular Transplantation: Patient Evaluation and Surgical Planning

Author: Bernstein, Rassman (Dermatologic Surgery)

Importance: Details the management of the patient using follicular transplantation including “Diffuse Alopecia.” It explains how to identify, at a young age, those who would not be good candidates for surgical hair restoration in the future. See the publication “Follicular Transplantation: Patient Evaluation and Surgical Planning.


Dissection with Binocular Stereoscopic Dissecting Microscope

Author: Seager (ISHRS, Nashville)

Importance: Helped to popularize the use of the microscope by showing a video of microscopic dissection of follicular units.


Follicular Transplantation

Author: Bernstein (ISHRS, Nashville)

Importance: Presented the theoretical basis of follicular transplantation and showed clinical results of using Follicular Transplantation in large sessions.


Follicular Transplantation

Author: Bernstein, Rassman (J of Aest and Rest Surg)

Importance: This is the first paper on Follicular Unit Transplantation. The authors state that the ideal hair restoration surgery should consist of performing the entire transplant using only naturally occurring, individual follicular units and that these units should be used in large numbers. The paper details the advantages of using follicular units exclusively in the restoration and introduces the term “follicular unit” into the hair transplant literature. See the publication “Follicular Transplantation.


Elliptical Donor Stereoscopically Assisted Micrografting as an Approach to Further Refinement in Hair Transplantation Microscopic Dissection

Author: Limmer (Derm Surg)

Importance: Stressed the importance of using single strip harvesting and stereo-microscopic dissection in generating small micro-grafts in order to avoid follicular transection and damage.


Transverse Microscopic Anatomy of the Human Scalp

Author: Headington (Arch Dermatol)

Importance: First histologic description of the follicular unit.


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