Hair Transplant Reviews
Read letters patients have sent to us after their FUT or FUE surgical hair transplant procedure. Some of these patients have before and after pictures in our Hair Transplant Photos galleries. Those patients' letters link to their photosets.
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Dr. Bernstein and Staff,
I want to thank all of you for making a very apprehensive patient feel at ease. It was wonderful to be surrounded by such beautiful, caring and professional people. It gave me hope that this operation would turn out much differently then my past experiences with other places.
Special thanks to the two young ladies who had the duty of holding my hand through the “pins & needles.”
M. H.
#24Dear Dr. Bernstein,
I just thought I would drop you a line to let you know that everything is going just fine and healing very nicely.
The main reason I am writing it to express my appreciation to you and staff. Everyone made me feel very, very comfortable, considering what I was going through.
I knew I made the right decision on having you do my hair transplant after last Tuesday. I can hardly wait to see the end result. I look forward to seeing you and your staff in June.
Thanks you all very much!
L. J. #26
#26Dear Dr. Bernstein,
I had been losing my hair from the crown for 7 or 8 years when it started to fall out from the top and front as well. I could tolerate the crown loss as I couldn’t see it, but by the third year of top and front loss my fragile ego could no longer tolerate it. I set about searching the internet for information on hair transplants.
During my search I discovered follicular unit transplantation and Dr. Bernstein’s seminal research on the topic. I was very impressed with both. Shortly thereafter a business trip took me to New Jersey and I took advantage thereof to attend an open house at Dr. Bernstein’s office. The doctor’s open and honest approach to hair transplantation closed the deal for me and I arranged for my first session some 10 weeks later.
When the time for my session came, my wife and I flew out to New Jersey. We preceded my hair transplant session with a day in Manhattan. It was highlighted by an afternoon at Broadway’s presentation of The Lion King whose tickets we managed to get at the Times Square half-price booth. Our time in New York was worth the trip by itself.
My wife dropped me off at Dr. Bernstein’s New Jersey office the first thing the next morning. Upon entering the office I was provided with a uniform-of-the-day and shown to my “operating room”. I most remember the large comfortable chair and the T.V. which was made available for my viewing pleasure along with a wide selection of video tapes. Once I was seated the doctor came in and drew my new hair line. He then administered the local anesthetic which facilitated the painless removal of the donor hair strip from the back of my head. Then, while the follicular units were being harvested from the donor strip, he generated the first set of implant sites – kind of recalled my days of planting pine trees.
The follicular units were planted in the recipient sites which the doctor had prepared. I was left to occupy the time as I saw fit subject to the constraint of staying in the chair and keeping my head moderately still. This set of operations was repeated until around noon when my wife came in and we were given an opportunity to have a very nice lunch together in the “operating room,” courtesy of Dr. Bernstein.
Following lunch the routine was resumed until the some 2000 follicular units were successfully planted. This was accomplished by about 3 o’clock. We then spent an hour or so cleaning up and being given our post-operative care instructions. My wife then drove us to the hotel and following a night of modest discomfort – eased by the drugs provided upon our departure from Dr. Bernstein’s office – we flew back home.
I had scheduled the procedure at the beginning of a 2 week vacation. I had done such to provide sufficient time to recover from the hair transplant. This turned out to be unnecessary as there was very little negative residual affects from the procedure. However, it did provide time for the obvious physical appearance changes to recede and allowed me to cover those remaining with a comb over. Consequently, when I returned to work, none of my workmates ever mentioned noticing anything different about my appearance. During the following 6 months my transplanted hair went through its break in period and became at one with the hair which had preceded it. I was very glad that I had undertaken the hair restoration and that I had chosen Dr. Bernstein to make it happen.
Unfortunately, with the passage of time my original, non-transplanted hair continued to depart my company. Several years later I returned to New Jersey and Dr. Bernstein to counteract this impact of time. The 2nd transplant was pretty much a repeat of the 1st except for being a bit shorter owing to the need for fewer follicular units to be transplanted. By this time I was retired from work and had no worries about encountering any workmates. But it really didn’t matter as the 1st procedure provided me sufficient hair cover to venture forth bareheaded on the day following the hair transplant confident that no one could see anything different. Looking back, I am very satisfied with my decision to undergo hair transplantation and to have done it with Dr. Bernstein and his staff.
J. Q.
Dr. Bernstein,
I just want to thank you for doing such a great job on repairing my linear scar on the back of my head. You conducted two FUE’s on me, one 2009 and one in 2010. I sincerely appreciate your help and the change you’ve made in my life.
U. O.
#147Dear Dr. Bernstein,
I am happy to have traveled so many thousand miles to be operated on by you and want to thank you and the whole staff for making me feel so comfortable.
I wish you the best, a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Warmest regards,
G. G.
P.S. Please give my greetings and wishes to the staff members.
#76I had the honor of meeting Dr. Bernstein and his staff for my consultation appointment. I want to thank you for your professionalism and for a wonderful consultation. Dr. Bernstein was caring, honest and committed to his patient care. Unfortunately, 3 years ago, I had a hair transplantation procedure from a “Big Name” company that does not look after the patient’s best interest and pays top dollar for marketing! Fortunately, I have Dr. Bernstein to fix what went wrong in my prior procedure. Thank you Dr. Bernstein!
E. O.
#135Dear Staff,
Thank you for being so good. Twenty years ago I had a hair transplant. Since then I avoided people. I am ashamed to say I have too much false pride. In public with Barbie doll like hair that I asked for, (the worst part) has been the equivalent of a severe toothache. I just could not be myself.
A side effect of my graves disease is bulging of the eyes, which does not embarrass me. I accept that I have no control over this condition.
Today, the day after my procedure, there is no discomfort. I look in the mirror and am amazed at the quality results. To me you folks did the impossible. I have no words for how grateful I am. To say thank you is a drop in the bucket.
The entire crew worked with the precision of a Swiss watch. All members were very talented and it was obvious to me all took pride in their work.
Dr. Bernstein listened to me and gave me his expert advice. Erlene placed grafts hour after hour with great patience and expertise. Sandy worked tireless on the grafts, always making me feel I was safe and in good hands.
The great sandwich I had during surgery to the enjoyable movie and music and especially the conversation with a group of good people was a pleasure.
Life is great, not always fair. Thank you.
G. J.
#32Dear Dr. Bernstein,
Back in 1984, I began losing my hair at age twenty. As a teen, I barely cared if my hair was combed, so this sudden vanity caught me by surprise. It quickly became difficult to discuss my hair loss with friends, doctors, natural pharmacists, even over the phone. I avoided anyone who had known me before and wasn’t all that excited about meeting anyone new. Secretly, I began responding to newspaper ads touting hair transplantation. The idea sounded simple enough, move some hair from back to front. I made my mind up about having a hair transplant even before meeting a surgeon. I desperately wanted it over with fast so (at age 20); I wouldn’t have to worry about hair loss anymore. I remember looking in the mirror and thinking that even if the procedure doesn’t come out perfect, I couldn’t look worse than I do now. The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t want to wear a wig. With few resources back then, I had only the salesmen and their before and after brochures. After several consultations, I chose a hair transplant clinic in Union, New Jersey, mostly because of the ample free parking behind the building. I had my first procedure, and then my second…Every six months I returned like a lamb to the slaughter
After six “transplants” and two scalp reductions with their doctor my head looked like a freak from a Halloween catalog. What did I just do to myself?! I couldn’t possibly let anyone see me now. After all that pain and financial…! Now I HAD to get a hairpiece. In June of 1990, I began to wear a “hair replacement system” to cover my sins. Constantly reminded by the itchy plugs underneath, I would attempt to scratch…and I was often afraid that the “unit” would fall off. I stopped playing softball (and most other sports), I stopped swimming in the ocean, no more water slides… I was a miserable old man at age 26.
Not much changed for the next eight years. Sometimes I would wonder what if anything had evolved in the technology of hair restoration. Once the internet, I was able to periodically keep up. Around 1997, I noticed that some surgeons were now attempting to fix older transplants. I visited one such doctor in my neighborhood. Embarrassed, I would not even remove my hat until the doctor was in the examining room. Virtually no one ever saw my head without a hairpiece. The doctor could clearly see how my badly transplanted hairs were growing backwards and the wrong direction. He tried to convince me that he could help but according to him it would be up to me to train the hair to grow in whatever direction I wanted. Now, even more confused, I actually went back to see the doctor that did the surgery to ask him, what do I do now? I figured if all his patients turned out like me, he would know where to send them for help. The doctor was basically in denial and wanted to know if I would be interested in seeing some new patient photos and hearing about his discounts. At this point I figured it was undoubtedly my destiny to look like… forever.
By 2000, I discovered a newsgroup called alt.Baldspot. I remember posting a message asking if any surgeons in New York or New Jersey specialize in transplant repairs. Someone responded with your name and phone number. I came in for a free consultation. I was somewhat surprised to meet you while you were just finishing a transplant. I met your patient and thought his head looked unbelievably good and clean for someone who just finished hours of surgery. You asked me what my goal was and I explained to you that my goal was simple; to go about life without anything covering my head except perhaps some natural looking hair. I didn’t need to look twenty something, but no more freak. You explained that most of my “donor area” had been used up by the prior procedures and that could keep me from ever reaching my goal but you said that you could help. You said that we would need to first remove the old plugs and re-transplant them. You made me realize that these old plugs are most of what is available to me now as “donor area”. You explained that each early procedure would consist of removal of as many old plugs as possible and re-transplanting as many new hairs as possible.
You went on to say that these reversal “Graft excision” procedures were essential because you would be unable to camouflage the plugs from the previous hair transplants because of their size and position. You basically left me with the impression that once enough old plugs were out, we could then do a real hair transplant and only after that would I really notice significant improvement and possibly realize my dream. You admitted that although you could help me, I was far from a perfect candidate, as so much hair had been wasted in the prior procedures. You concluded our consultation by painfully reminding me again that I certainly won’t have much density and I may run out of donor area before we finish. You would not commit to how many preliminary graft excision procedures I would need to remove all the plugs. I left your office with some mixed emotions but totally confident that you were the surgeon I was looking for. I was not totally sure if I could go through it all over again. Did I still have the patience, the discipline, the energy for recovery, the potential for disappointment? Bitter and depressed from ten years of a wig, was I in too much of a hurry again? Should I wait for hair cloning?
In May of 2001, I scheduled my first graft excision with your office. Sandy, Sejal and Bernice assisted you. You and the staff were extremely focused and kept me courageous and calm. There was really no pain other than the mild discomfort of the anesthesia. I could have easily driven home afterwards although I had a friend along. The recovery was fast, and the healing was incredible. But, obviously I needed more plugs removed. So I scheduled a second procedure. This time I drove myself home (about an hour ride) and again excellent recovery. I certainly never needed to take the prescription pain pills. In November of 2004 I had completed many more graft excisions, was I ready for my first real transplant? Two days after Election Day 2004, I drove to your Fort Lee hair transplant clinic for a scheduled appointment not knowing for sure if would be receiving a transplant or another graft excision.
You examined me in the morning and we decided that today was the day! Even with my limited donor supply you were able to painlessly extract a strip which produced about 1300 wonderful new grafts. I drove myself home no problem after the transplant. Other than the first night trying to sleep, easy recovery; certainly no prescription pain killers.
The grafts began to slowly grow over the next several weeks and months and as they began to mature, I slowly started to notice a human being in the mirror. Almost all the old plugs are gone and 10 scars are visible where the old work had been. February 3, 2005, was my son’s fifth birthday party and my day of follicular freedom! The first time my head was proudly visible in public since 1990. I actually had to go out and purchase a comb! Looking back now, its amazing how everything you said, came true – even better than expected. Fortunately, I have enough donor area left for another small procedure because there is more that we could do. There is NO more that MUST be done. No amount of thanks could ever…You have rescued me from a twenty-year recurring nightmare. This letter of thanks is the least I can offer. I am 40 years old now and this will be my first REAL spring and summer in over 20 years. I feel like I’m in my twenties right now. Water slides, I even joined a softball league. Thanks to you and your warm and wonderful staff. Even when you had visiting surgeons alongside you, I found them to be extremely professional. As for the first doctor, he is still practicing, I’m thinking of paying him a special visit. Best Regards,
S. D.
#89Hello Dr. Bernstein,
I’m back in Dublin again and am closely following all my post-op instructions. I enjoyed my day in the surgery, much more than I every expected (surgery is never fun).
There was a reassuring sense of everybody knowing exactly what they were supposed to be doing; this had a calming effect on me. Actually having had the work done marks the end of a two-year search for the best option for me. I am very pleased. Thank you all again!
D. A.
#14Dear Dr. Bernstein,
Almost a year after my initial consultation, I’m writing to express my appreciation to you and the staff for the excellent treatment I received during my procedure in November.
I was impressed by the professionalism and special care I was given by you and your staff during my procedure. I’d like to thank the staff there for making me feel much more comfortable than I had expected to be during surgery.
I am very pleased with the results. After only a couple of months, there was a noticeable difference. Now, nine months later, my hair looks so much better than when I first came to see you that it amazes me. I feel much better about myself.
Thanks again to everyone.
P. B.
#40Dr B. & Staff,
I decided to have the hair transplants because I used to wear a hair system. The maintenance was hard to keep up with. It limited my activities. There is nothing like your own growing hair. I decided to do my hair restoration with you, Dr. Bernstein, because you were the most honest and realistic out of all the hair transplant surgeons I met concerning the procedure.
Having a full head of hair has restored my confidence and has given me back my youth. My current girlfriend was shocked when I told her that I had hair transplants. The work that you and your staff do is undetectable. Before the first procedure I was very nervous. I did not know what to expect. Your and your staff made me feel comfortable by assuring me and allowing my friend who is a therapist to come in and relax me. I did not feel any discomfort throughout the hair transplant. There is discomfort after the procedure however the valium and the other medicines prescribed get you through it. I felt that this was well worth the experience because you cannot put a price on your confidence and your self-esteem.
Best wishes,
F. F.
To Dr. Bernstein and Staff,
Thanks for making my procedure easy and informative. Everyone was great at making the day pass as quickly as possible. Great bedside manners all around!
B. C.
#77Dear Dr. Bernstein,
This letter is somewhat different from the ones I read in your waiting room as I awaited my surgery. Still, it is a letter about gratitude, trust and privilege.
I could not be more pleased with the expertise and efficiency by which your staff works in conjunction with your guidelines. Their professionalism, sincerity and competency were truly second to none.
Insofar as my recovery, I did experience some swelling for a few days following the surgery. However, instead of heeding the advice on your written post-operative instructions, I elected to contact you on your emergency toll-free number. This is where the word “gratitude” comes into play in my opening statement. You were not only sincere and caring, but you instructed me to come right in if I had any concerns whatsoever. That meant the WORLD to me.
Fortunately, the swelling subsided by the next morning and so I did not need to see you. Nevertheless, it is especially reassuring to know that your doctor is on call 24/7.
“Trust” is the next word I speak about in my opening paragraph, and I am not just talking about trust as a competent clinician. You estimated my grafts at 1,600 and yet only elected to use approximately 1,200. Consequently, your staff informed me that I would be receiving a reimbursement check for the difference. While, quite obviously, there is no way I could have ever known how many grafts were actually inserted, your integrity and uprightness as an honorable and principled physician are to be applauded.
Finally, I want to briefly talk about the word “privilege” and also the word “honor.” You see, I did tons of research and homework before I was referred to you. Notwithstanding the fact that you had no hair on your head when I met you, you were exactly the consummate professional I knew you would be. I feel privileged to have met you and particularly honored for the opportunity to have you as my physician.
Thank you, Dr. Bernstein. I am forever grateful to you and your entire staff.
A. S.
#86Dr. Bernstein,
First of all, I have never said thank you for the incredible job that you did with me. I think I had my procedure done in late 2001 and it has worked out incredibly, incredibly well. I remember how nervous I was sitting in the waiting room the day of my procedure. But it ended up very well and one of the best decisions that I ever made. The biggest thing it did for me was stop me from obsessing over losing my hair anymore.
When I had it done you told me that there was a 50/50 chance that I wouldn’t need a 2nd procedure. Well you are pretty on, because I could continue to leave the way that it is after one procedure (it looks very natural) but I do want to have a follow up procedure done. I just haven’t gotten around to it. I had set goals for timelines to have it done.
I will contact your staff and schedule an appointment.
I don’t know if I had your email before and this was a convenient way to thank you.
H. D.
#90Dear Dr. Bernstein,
Just wanted to thank you very much for your honesty and for the excellent surgery performed by you and your staff of professional people. I felt like it was part of my own family taking care of me. Thanks a lot.
G. A.