Video: Dr. Bernstein on the Importance of Robotic Graft Selection
In this interview, Dr. Bernstein discusses robotic graft selection with Spencer Kobren, the host of ‘The Bald Truth’ radio program.
A new advantage of the ARTAS robot is that it minimizes wounding during FUE by automatically selecting only the largest follicular units for extraction. Fewer wounds in the donor area means a better aesthetic appearance after surgery. There is another benefit of Robotic FUE that is seldom discussed: quality control. Watch the video for more on this topic.
Dr. Bernstein introduced robotic graft selection at the 2015 ARTAS User Group Meeting.
Dr. Bernstein Patents FUE Hair Transplant Method
Dr. Bernstein received a patent on a method of FUE hair transplant surgery that improves outcomes of the procedure used in half of all transplants performed world-wide.
The key invention is a delay between recipient site creation and graft placement. The delay allows the healing process to commence before grafts are inserted, resulting in increased success of the transplant and an improved outcome.
Updated: 2019-09-27 | Published: 2016-06-14